Skill development
At Gyandeep, in addition to academic learning we also attempt to enhance certain skills in the children and to develop an interest in them from an early age. This is primarily achieved through our summer workshops held in partnership with professional artists, craftsmen and women, chefs and other creative experts. The teachers at Gyandeep contemplated organising an annual Diwali Mela to give the children an opportunity to display the skills learnt in the summer workshops at a vibrant event managed by none other than themselves. The first of Gyandeep Diwali Mela was held in 2017 and it has been an annual event ever since.
The workshop training helps the students learn various crafts like decoupage, candle making, rangoli making and all forms of paper craft from quilling to creating bags, envelopes and lanterns. We also include culinary skills like baking and making of papads, chocolates and cookies as part of our sessions. Practical knowledge in these fields helps the children understand the value of this kind of work and develops in them a respect for professionals and practitioners. It also encourages and enables them to independently start a small business or entrepreneurship in the future.
The children are involved not only in the making of the artefacts, but also the organising of the Diwali Mela, where there work is on sale. They are taught the entire process- from sourcing material, producing the items on sale, packaging and presentation to accounting and selling. In addition to the learning gained through the workshops, the entire experience gives the kids an opportunity for social interaction both with professionals as well as customers, which builds a confidence in them. To see their work appreciated and bought by enthusiastic consumers, gives the children a sense of achievement and self-respect.
A detailed account of the Diwali Mela 2019
Due to the ongoing pandemic, and the resultant nation-wide lockdown,
the summer workshops for 2020 stand cancelled.